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拼板類 | |||||||||||
學具編號: | AO1, AO2 | |||||||||
學具中文名稱: | 125 片積木 | ||||||||||
學具英文名稱: | Toy Brick Wooden Toy | ||||||||||
數量: |
2 | ||||||||||
適合對象: | 1人 | ||||||||||
遊戲配置: | 等待上載 | ||||||||||
學具照片: | photo/a/ao1.jpg | ||||||||||
學具簡介: 拼圖及積木一直是眾所周知傳統型的兒童玩具。本品在繼承以往該產品的基礎上增加了美觀、實用、多樣性、教育性等特點、通過對拼圖鮮艷色彩的認識,啟發寶寶對拼圖鮮艷色彩的認識,啟發寶寶對幾何圖形及簡單繪畫的基礎認識。從而提高嬰幼兒的分析和創造能力。 |
學具編號: | AN1, AN2, AN3 | |||||||||
學具中文名稱: | 對對樂 | ||||||||||
學具英文名稱: | Spectrangle | ||||||||||
數量: |
3 | ||||||||||
適合對象: | 2至4人 | ||||||||||
遊戲配置: | 等待上載 | ||||||||||
學具照片: | photo/a/an1.jpg | ||||||||||
學具簡介: Spectrangle is a tactical game for two, three or four players. The game board is a triangle built up of smaller triangles. The players alternates on placing triangular tiles on the board, and the aim is to end the game with the most points. Course of the game : When it is a player's turn he plays one of his four tiles on the gameboard. Each tile has one, two or three colors. When played, the tiles must be placed next to an already played tile with the same color. The tile will score (read below) and as the last thing in his turn the player draws a new tile, placing it in front of him on the table. The tiles are not hidden from the other player(s). Scoring : Every time you play a tile you get points. The tile has a basic value from 1 to 6 (printed on the tile) and you multiply this value with the number of tiles it is placed next to (i.e. from 1 to 3). In addition, some fields on the board are bonus fields, marked 2, 3 or 4. If played on a bonus field the score is multiplied with this bonus number. Thus, the maximum score for a played tile is 6 × 3 × 4 = 72 points (the tiles have a basic value from 1 to 6, multiplied with number of tiles it is placed next to on the board, multiplied with a possible bonus field). The scores are tracked around the outer edge of the board. The best placement doesn't necessarily have to be the place that gives you the most points. Since you have knowledge of your opponents tiles you should be careful not to give him an opening were he can play a tile and receive a lot of bonus points. Winning the game : When all the tiles are played, or there is no legal placement left (it may happen that the board "locks up"), the game ends. The player with the most points is declared the winner. A good, tactical game : Spectrangle is an abstract, tactical game. If you enjoy games like Othello, Gipf or Ghosts, this game should be right up your alley. Because the tiles are drawn from cloth bag, and you don't what tile you'll get, there is a luck element in the game, but that is fine with me. The luck element here is rather small, and when playing several games the luck should even out. Spectrangle can also be played as a team game, with two teams playing
against each other. I recommend this game for everyone who likes abstract,
tactical games with a little bit of luck involved. |
學具編號: | AM1 | |||||||||
學具中文名稱: | 擺方陣 | ||||||||||
學具英文名稱: | Square by Square | ||||||||||
數量: |
1 | ||||||||||
適合對象: | 1人 | ||||||||||
遊戲配置: | 整組包含彩色操作卡60 張 + 14 片塑膠板 ( 淺綠色6 片 + 深藍色 8 片 ) | ||||||||||
學具照片: | photo/a/am1.jpg | ||||||||||
學具簡介: 這是改良式的多方塊遊戲,如何將6片淺綠色和8片深藍色的塑膠板,正確地擺置出操作卡(共60張,背面附有解答)中各種的不同造型。 |
學具編號: | AL1 | |||||||||
學具中文名稱: | 立體拼圖 - 艾菲爾鐵塔 | ||||||||||
學具英文名稱: | Puzz 3D - Tour Eiffel | ||||||||||
數量: |
1 | ||||||||||
適合對象: | 1人 | ||||||||||
遊戲配置: | 等待上載 | ||||||||||
學具照片: | 等待上載 | ||||||||||
學具簡介: 等待上載 |
學具編號: | AK1 | |||||||||
學具中文名稱: | 立體拼圖 - 凱旋門 | ||||||||||
學具英文名稱: | Puzz 3D - Arc De Triomple Etoile | ||||||||||
數量: |
1 | ||||||||||
適合對象: | 1人 | ||||||||||
遊戲配置: | 等待上載 | ||||||||||
學具照片: | 等待上載 | ||||||||||
學具簡介: 等待上載 |
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